How many of you would like to be able to support your significant other while they are at the academy by having a website devoted completely to them??

You supply the pictures from home on a weekly basis for them to get a glimpse of home and possibly putting their mind at ease a bit more because of it?????

Sounds pretty good huh?

Well, I have an answer for you! I will put such a site up for each person interested with the appropriate info for each individual and maintain it for you! I have already made one for my wife and can do it relatively easily for anybody else.... so here's the deal.

I want a million dollars for every hour they are at the academy to keep it up and running...oh wait! No that's the contract to the Government - ummmm ok for $4/month. Yes, a whopping $20 for the full 5 months while they are at the academy. I will give each person their own personal website and maintain the pics for it as well. All you have to do is scan the pics and send them to me...or send non-returnable pics to me via snailmail and I will do everything else.

Personally, I think it's a great idea to be able to see us that remain back home while they are away. I personally would love something like this. Yeah I know, I made it myself but still just think about it if it were you.

Click on the link below to view a sample page. If you like it and want to partake of my offer email me and we will go from there.

Oh yeah, one more thing! From the $4 fee I am asking for, I plan on donating $1 to the support of BPSPOUSES.COM. So here again, is a way for you to help support not only the board...but also your loved one.


Sample Page
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Disclaimer: This site is in no way officially or otherwise affiliated with the U.S Border Patrol or the U.S. Border Patrol Academy

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